The biofuels market: current situation and alternative scenarios

Dec 2009

A forward-looking vision should focus on the instruments and preconditions that would make biofuels a win-win solution for the environment and for rural development, while contributing to expand the supply of sustainable transportation fuels.
The intent of this publication is to present and discuss alternative decision paths that countries may follow and the possible implications as a contribution to the programme of work of the Global Bioenergy Partnership. There is no attempt to develop a single consistent scenario across the different chapters. The discussions will zero in on mechanisms and issues that need to be addressed when designing and implementing sound biofuels strategies.
The most commonly used tool to introduce or expand production and consumption of biofuels is the imposition of biofuels blending or utilization targets. By ensuring that there is a market for biofuels, these measures bring stability and predictability for new investments.
Accordingly, the first chapter of this report analyses the possible roles that these policy measures may play in the coming years.

By: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

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