Bioenergy and Sustainability

The emerging biofuels market: regulatory, trade and development implications

The era of "easy" energy is over. Governments, intergovernmental organizations, corporations, NGOs and even individuals are asking themselves a number of questions that are crucial for the sustainable development prospects of all countries. How do ...

Jan 2006
Potential challenges and risks of bioenergy production for developing countries

Following pioneer Brazil, the world is seeing a dazzling growth in bioenergy production derived from plants and other biomass. China has an ambitious programme of its own and several African countries have set their sights ...

Jan 2006
Towards better practice in smallholder palm oil production

Smallholder oil palm production has the potential to secure mutually beneficial outcomes for large and small producers and processors, enhance social and environmental sustainability at the landscape scale, ease land disputes between smallholders and large ...

Jan 2006
Towards a Southern African NGO position on biofuels (brochure)

Southern Africa is a region of great poverty interspersed with pockets of wealth. The South African economy is one of those pockets but contained within the nation are millions of people living without access to ...

Jan 2006
Potential for biofuels for transport in developing countries

This report is by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP), a joint programme of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank, to help developing countries assess the potential of biofuels in ...

Oct 2005
WISDOM – East Africa. Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) Methodology. Spatial woodfuel production and consumption analysis of selected African countries

In this article the author analyses wood energy and the poverty situation in ten countries of East and Central Africa: Rwanda, Kenya, Egypt, Burundi, DR Congo, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The study intends ...

Aug 2005
Biodiesel initiatives in Germany

Regarding the production and usage of biodiesel in Germany the ifeu – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg was charged by VITO, Belgium, to create a survey, within the European project PREMIA 2005 is ...

May 2005
Revised ITTO criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of tropical forests

The purpose of the ITTO C&I is to provide member countries with a tool for monitoring, assessing and reporting changes and trends in forest conditions and management systems at the national and FMU levels. By ...

May 2005
Advancing bioenergy for sustainable development - Guideline for policymakers and investors (Joint UNDP/World Bank)

This report is part of Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP)’s work programme on the development of renewable energy resources.It provides a broad review of the issues that a policymaker or project developer may face ...

Apr 2005
Energy indicators for sustainable development: guidelines and methodologies

This publication is the product of an international initiative to define a set of Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD) and corresponding methodologies and guidelines. The successful completion of this work is the result of ...

Mar 2005