Promotion and use of biofuels in the United Kingdom - UK report to European Commission under Article 4 of the Biofuels Directive

Jun 2006

This report fulfils the UK’s obligation to the report to the European Commission by 1 July 2006 on the effectiveness of UK Government support for biofuels during the calendar year 2005, as required by Article 4 of Directive 2003/30/EC on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport.

The report covers:
in section 1, the measures the UK has taken to promote the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels to replace diesel or petrol for transport purposes;
in section 2, the measures the UK has put in place to ensure that the environmental benefits of biofuels are fully realised;
in section 3, the national resources allocated to the production of biomass for energy uses other than transport;
in section 4, the total UK sales of transport fuel and the share of biofuels, pure or blended, and other renewable fuels placed on the market.

By: UK Department for Transport

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