Profit at any cost: a battle between big business and sustainable lifestyles

Feb 2009

The spread of agrofuels is happening fast in Ghana. Jatropha and even more rapidly sugarcane have been expanding following success with small plantations in 2001. Initially the aim was the domestic market but now the export market is an increasing focus.
Bakari, Vice Chairman of RAINS (Regional Adviory and Information Network Systems) in Ghana, explains how spreading fast in the African plains too, key influence has come from the US pro-biofuels lobby. One example of influence close to home comes via a chief’s son who lectures in an American university. And as always there are political allies; A senior member of the Ghanaian government is reputed to have shares in BioFuel Africa and another is behind the massive expansion by Northern Sugar Estates LTD. According to the author, this expansion of biofuels may not be healthy as Ghanaians are losing the drought-resistant rice which protects the valleys from flooding. These valleys have hand-sunk wells and agribusiness will expand wells, divert streams and create more dry areas. Many will go hungry but villagers do not understand this; men continue to sign up as labourers.”

By: D. Rughani

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