Guide to produce a succinct description of a Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) Good Practice

Dec 2006

Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) is the goal of Agenda 21, Chapter 14, adopted by the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
The SARD Initiative seeks to build the capacity of poor rural communities to become aware of and adopt good practices that facilitate the transition to SARD. One method that it is using to do this is to improve access to community experiences and existing knowledge, approaches and technologies through a web-based Resource Facility, including a good practice database.
The SARD Initiative Secretariat has created a consolidated SARD Good Practices template that will be used for online dissemination of all Good Practices submitted by SARD stakeholders. At the national level, stakeholders participating in the SARD Initiative will be encouraged to use the questionnaire contained in this guide as a basis for recording local information about SARD Good Practices and reporting this information to their national SARD focal points, as well as to the SARD Initiative Secretariat.
This document could be useful as a basis for a good practice description that needs to answer the following questions:
• What problem needed to be tackled?
• What practice or set of practices did the implementers/promoters experiment with to tackle this problem?
• What practice or set of practices proved successful?
• Under what conditions did the practice prove successful?
• What were the direct and indirect benefits of the practice for the target group?


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