Working Group on Capacity Building meetings and activities 2021
13th Meeting of the GBEP Working Group on Capacity Building for Sustainable Bioenergy
Online event, 15 November 2021
- Agenda
- List of participants
- Presentations:
- Overview of the WGCB work in 2021 and plans for 2022, Constance Miller (GBEP Secretariat)
- Implementation on the biodiesel value chain in Paraguay, Stephania Spitale (CEAMSO, Paraguay)
- Demo of the WebGIS tool developed by the BIOPLAT-EU project on the basis of the GBEP Indicators, Marco Colangeli (FAO)
- Overview of biohydrogen from woody biomass, Franco Cotana (University of Perugia, Italy)
- Youth involvement in High Schools in Ghana, Julius Nkansah-Nyarko (Energy Commission, Ghana)
- Co-chair Conclusions
GBEP Activity Group 8 – Advanced Liquid Biofuels
Webinar – “Advanced liquid biofuels for net zero transport – from experiences to action”
2 November 2021
GBEP Activity Group 7 – Biogas
2021 Webinar series on promoting sustainable biogas
- Learning from successful case studies on biogas in Asia – 9 September 2021
- Learning from successful case studies on biogas in Africa – 3 June 2021
- Analysing opportunities and challenges for Biogas at regional and national levels – 27 May 2021
Information and Recordings
GBEP Activity Group 2 – Raising awareness, and sharing of data and experience on the implementation of the GBEP indicators
LEDSLAC and GBEP workshop – “The GBEP Sustainability Indicators for bioenergy in Paraguay. Methodology, results and policy recommendations”
Tuesday 22 June 2021
GBEP Activity Group 4 – Towards sustainable modern wood energy development
GBEP Side Event at EUBCE 2021 – “Biomass for landscape restoration: how can the bioeconomy contribute to the UN Decade on ecosystem restoration?”
Online, Thursday 29 April 2021, 16:15-18:15 CEST
- Conference webpage with recording (sign in to view recording)
- Concept note and agenda
- Presentations
GBEP Activity Group 3 – Study Tour for Capacity Building and training
8th GBEP Bioenergy Week 2021
Online event, 16-18 March 2021
The 8th Bioenergy Week was held in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), African Energy Commission (AFREC) and African Union Commission (AUC).
The conference offered a platform to draw positive experiences on sustainable production and use of bioenergy integrated within food production value chains, to support the design and implementation of bioenergy policies in Africa. It also shared practical insights and recommendations for mainstreaming and integrating bioenergy development in countries’ policy agendas.
- Agenda visual overview
- Agenda (EN, FR)
- Final Outcome Document (EN, FR)
- Summary (EN)
- Presentations
- List of Participants
- Recordings
- Press Release – FAO Regional Office for Africa
Steering Commitee meetings 2021
24th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee
Online event, 16 November 2021
- Agenda
- Participant list
- Presentation
- Presentation of progress report from WGCB and TFS, Maria Michela Morese, GBEP Secretariat
- Summary
Task Force on Sustainability meetings 2021
19th Task Force on Sustainability
Online event, 16 November 2021
- Agenda
- Participant list
- Presentations
- Presentation of TFS main results and accomplishments, Constance Miller (GBEP Secretariat)
- FAO Report on the Rapid Implementation Framework, Federica Matteoli (CSA team, FAO) and Andrea Rossi and Constance Miller, (FAO/GBEP Secretariat)
- Progress of GBEP work on bioeconomy, Uwe Fritsche (Germany)
- Cooperation with Biofuture Platform on Biomass quantification and Sustainability Governance, Paolo Frankl (IEA)
- Co-chair Conclusions