Raise awareness and facilitate information exchange on bioenergy

GBEP’s awareness-raising and information management activities seek to increase the understanding of issues related to bioenergy development focusing on the following areas:

  • Participation in relevant international conferences and meetings focused on bioenergy, and organization of specific GBEP events;
  • Organization of an international media campaign to promote GBEP activities and of the extensive media coverage of the GBEP’s activities in print and online formats;
  • Development of GBEP’s information material and update of the GBEP  website so as to promote information sharing on bioenergy and on GBEP’s activities and programme of work.

GBEP Publications

  • GBEP-FAO – Financing Options for Bioenergy Projects and Programmes. This report, updated March 2021, facilitates access to financing for bioenergy for sustainable development at the project, programme and sectoral level in developing countries. It provides a comprehensive collection for use by national governments and project developers when assessing different financing opportunities for bioenergy projects and programmes, giving a clear picture of selection criteria and bioenergy project characteristics that should be fulfilled to receive financing.
  • Collection of examples: Positive Relationships between Sustainable Wood Energy and Forest Landscape Restoration. This report, published in June 2020, collects examples from across the world on how improving the sustainability of wood energy value chains can reduce pressures on natural forests through better management practices and improved technologies; it brings together examples from across the value chain, from biomass production and transformation to the production and use of bioenergy and its by-products. The report includes country examples from Australia, Canada, Ghana, Lebanon, Kenya, Niger, Sri Lanka, Togo, USA and Zambia, as well as a regional example from sub-Saharan Africa; common lessons learned from these examples are also identified.
  • Activity Group 7 “Biogas”: Stocktaking Paper. This paper analyses the factors that contribute to the success of biogas operations or projects in different regions of the world: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia. The analysis is carried out using SWOT analysis; this approach seeks to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a particular business model through discussions with relevant stakeholders. The analysis is based on the work of the GBEP Secretariat along with GBEP Partners and Observers during the GBEP Bioenergy Weeks (Ghana in 2017, Argentina in 2018 and Philippines in 2019).
  • Implementation Guide for the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy
    This Guide has been developed to complement and enhance the first edition of The Global Bioenergy Partnership Sustainability Indicators for B
  • ioenergy, published in 2011. It includes guidance that is based on the implementation of the Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) Sustainability Indicators in fourteen countries, spanning four continents. On the basis of the lessons learnt from this implementation of the GSI at national and local level, guidance has been provided on methodological and practical issues that were not addressed in the original report.
  • IINAS-IFEU-GBEP – Attribution Paper
    This paper provides basic information on the attribution issue, its potential implications, and gives recommendations for practical application. It aims to serve as input into the implementation guide on the GSI initiated by TFS but can also be used as an independent guidance document.
  • IINAS for GBEP – Technical paper “SDG Implementation in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries and possibilities to link with the GBEP Sustainability Indicators”
    This study aims to explore and better understand the interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the GBEP Sustainability Indicators (GSI) at the country level in selected Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries and Spain.
  • IINAS and IFEU for GBEP – Technical paper “Linkages between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy (GSI)”
    This Technical Paper was prepared to highlight the linkages between the SDGs and the GSIs and to determine how they may be mutually reinforcing. 
  • GBEP-IEA Bioenergy – Report “Examples of Positive Bioenergy and Water Relationships” 
    The report presents examples covering a wide range of geographic locations, feedstocks, bioenergy pathways and practices. The examples presented come from 11 countries across six continents: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, South Africa and the United States of America.
  • GIZ-GBEP – Towards Sustainable Modern Wood Energy Development
    An overview of successful initiatives on solid biomass development in countries that rely heavily on traditional biomass as the main source of energy. The focus is on lessons learned from successful examples in terms of wood energy supply chains covering the sustainable production and use of wood energy for household and productive local uses in developing countries.
  • The Global Bioenergy Partnership Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy
    The report presents the 24 GBEP indicators of sustainability regarding the production and use of modern bioenergy, broadly defined. The indicators were developed by the Partners and Observers of GBEP and provide a framework for assessing the relationship between production and use of modern bioenergy and sustainable development.
  • GBEP Common Methodological Framework for GHG Lifecycle Analysis of Bioenergy
    A 10-step greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory framework, intended to guide policy makers and institutions when calculating GHG emissions from bioenergy and to enable life cycle assessments (LCA) of the GHG emissions of bioenergy, compared on an equal basis.
  • A Review of the Current State of Bioenergy Development in G8 +5 Countries
    The reference platform used to prepare the initial work of GBEP towards the sustainable development of bioenergy.

GBEP communication material

GBEP information material

  • GBEP two-pager
    Quick information about GBEP’s main activities during the current year
  • GBEP Leaflet
    GBEP’s history, vision and mission
  • GBEP Video (ENES)
    GBEP’s history, vision and mission

Frequently Asked Questions