Analytical tools to assess and unlock sustainable bioenergy potential

This search tool is targeted at decision-makers at regional, national or local levels in countries facing strategic decisions in developing a modern bioenergy sector and aims to sharing information about available decision support tools.

Multiple criteria analytical tool or decision support tool is a generic term for all methods that help decision-makers according to their preferences, in cases where there is more than one conflicting criterion. The aim of these tools is to help decision-makers to organize and synthesize the collected information for use in supporting their decisions, hence to understand and identify the paramount criteria in the decision process. The tools have been classified on the basis of their relevance to different assessment steps of the value chain of sustainable bioenergy production and use.

The compilation of tools has been developed thanks to a joint effort of the GBEP Secretariat, FAO and UNEP and it provides a contribution to the UN-Energy Renewable Energy cluster.

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