GBEP Events 2023

Working Group on Capacity Building Events 2023

AG4 Webinar: Alternatives to woodfuel for restoring forest landscapes

18 April 2023, 10:00-11:15 CEST

Agenda ::: Recording ::: News

This webinar looked at two case studies in Ghana and Indonesia, where woodfuel use is prevalent. The case studies highlighted how alternatives to woodfuel can reduce the unsustainable harvesting of wood, thereby helping to restore forest landscapes and support sustainable livelihoods.

AG7 Webinar Series: Co-benefits of biogas and biomethane

Digestate: a nature-based solution to optimize the water-energy-food nexus in agrifood systems

27 April 2023

Agenda ::: Recording ::: Presentations

Digestate, the by-product of anaerobic digestion, can be used as an organic fertiliser or as components of soilless substrates; this can promote soil fertility, increasing crop yields and ultimately improving livelihoods. Not only does this enhance the circularity of the system but can also improve the economic viability of biogas projects.

This webinar explored case studies in Italy and Brazil on the use of digestate in order to deepen knowledge and enhance regional exchange on this topic. 

Workshop: Carbon accounting and wood energy

9 May 2023, Rome, Italy

Agenda ::: Presentations ::: Report

The scope of this workshop covers carbon accounting of wood energy. The aim of the workshop was to support understanding of the various carbon accounting methodologies for wood energy, how they are applied in practice and policies, and the data requirements and gaps. The ultimate objectivewas to contribute to a common vision on carbon accounting for wood energy, and provide a platform for discussion on future directions in this area.

AG7 Webinar Series: Co-benefits of biogas and biomethane

Promoting anaerobic digestion for waste management

16 May 2023

Agenda ::: Recording ::: Presentations

Management and disposal of wastes is a major global problem. Anaerobic digestion offers opportunities not only to minimise waste volumes but also to recover embodied energy in the form of biogas and biomethane. 

This webinar looked at policy incentives that are available to increase the installation of biogas plants in Europe and provide a case study from France. Furthermore, the webinar presented a methodology for understanding the replicability of national policies so that the discussion can focus on the application of these practical and policy cases in other regions.

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) GBEP-FAO Side Event

Responsible Sourcing and Biofuel Supply Chains

5 June 2023, 15:00 – 17:00 CEST

More information ::: Summary report

The aim of the side event was to discuss and identify ways in which inclusive growth can be promoted through the identification and mitigation of risks in biofuel supply chains. This side event brought together both public and private sector stakeholders to share solutions for biofuel supply chains to promote sustainable development. It also provided a forum for sharing of views on various initiatives that address adverse impacts in global sourcing in biofuel supply chains. 

Carbon accounting for wood energy webinar

Understanding wood energy data and model estimates

Tuesday 12 September 2023, 15:00-16:15 CEST (UTC+2)

Agenda ::: Register

This webinar aims to improve the understanding and explore the challenges regarding wood energy data at the global level, as well as showcase the general methods that can be used to estimate fuels used for household cooking. 

Advanced liquid biofuels webinar

Biomass production practices for improving biofuel sustainability

Tuesday 19 September 2023, 15:00-16:15 CEST (UTC+2)

Agenda ::: Register

The webinar will discuss innovative biomass production practices that can help increase supply whilst ensuring sustainability of biofuels. Join us to learn about how regenerative agriculture and mechanisation can enhance these value chains.

28th Steering Committee Meeting

11 May 2023, Rome, Italy