Working Group on Capacity Building for Sustainable Bioenergy

GBEP established the Working Group on Capacity Building for Sustainable Bioenergy (WGCB) in 2011, under the joint leadership of The Netherlands and the United States until 2013 and currently by Argentina and ECOWAS.  It promotes the dissemination, use, and implementation of the outcomes of the GBEP Task Forces on GHG Methodologies and on Sustainability through activities and projects. The WGCB raises awareness of the potential benefits of sustainable modern bioenergy through multiple means, including workshops, study tours, public forums and other ways to present sustainable practices and assess resources. The activities and projects developed within the Working Group are country driven. Its focus is to facilitate collaboration among GBEP Partners and Observers for capacity building projects and related activities.The Working Group is also facilitating cooperation and capacity building through sharing information, stimulating discussion, and identifying opportunities for cooperation on sustainable bioenergy development and deployment, as well as encouraging sharing of lessons learned, identifying and disseminating information about existing tools and resources available from both the public and private sources and facilitating appropriate linkages between them.

The Working Group agreed to establish eight Activity Groups:

  1. Regional Forums/Workshops on Sustainable Modern Bioenergy (led by the U.S. and ECOWAS);
  2. Raising awareness, and sharing of data and experience on the implementation of GBEP indicators (led by Germany and Indonesia);
  3. Study tour for capacity building and training (led by Brazil);
  4. Towards sustainable modern wood energy development (led by FAO)
  5. The Global Renewable Energy Atlas – Bioenergy Component (led by IRENA)
  6. Bioenergy and Water (led by IEA Bioenergy)
  7. Biogas (led by ECOWAS and Viet Nam)

      8. Advanced Liquid Biofuels (led by USA)

 Informal discussion groups also exist on the following topics:

  • Linkages between bioenergy and nutrition
 The Working Group also agreed to involve YOUTH in GBEP activities and discussions! 

 Co-Chairs conclusions on Working Group meetings are available here